Monday, March 13, 2017

Rwanda Bans Plastic Bags to Protect the Environment

Rwanda has made big advancements in protecting the environment, and one of the ways it does this, is they have banned plastic bags. Here in the USA that might sound like an unthinkable thing, as most of us feel like we can’t be bothered with anything else for whatever reason, and a lot of us even save them and use them for various other things. But Rwanda is serious about the environment, and saving lives. The cost of recycling the plastic bags became too much, and people would end up burning them just to get rid of them, and this would release toxins into the air. Plastic bags also ended up causing big disasters in the past which took the lives of many. Having a cleaner environment also helps bring tourism to the country, which helps improve the economy. For all of these reasons, other countries should take steps towards at least reducing the amount of plastic bags used.


Werft, Meghan. "How Eliminating Plastic Bags in Rwanda Saves Lives and the Economy." Global Citizen. Global Poverty Project, Inc, 22 Sept. 2015. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.

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